Have you ever had the need for a tool that is able to obtain

Well, we had — That's why we built this tool to help in the described circumstances.

Feel free to use this service, but be aware that we cannot give any guarantees whatsoever.

Last error: Unrecognised mode specified.

Example Application

Explore our example application combining the functions provided by Projection Utility


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(mandatory, fixed, case-insensitive) manpage
(optional) the return format in case of an error. Can be either html (the default) or json.
If errorformat is json, we return a JSON-object with a member error, that has a member msg which contains the readable error message.


Obtain a BoundingBox for a given SRID


(mandatory, fixed, case-insensitive) getbbox
(mandatory) The number after "EPSG:" in an EPSG-key. Maximum length is 6 digits. Example: 31467
(optional) Outputformat of the response. Can be either json (the default) or jsonp. If the format is jsonp, you should include a parameter varname, see below.
(optional) Only relevant if parameter format is jsonp. The name of the variable we assign the output to. Can only contain the characters from a-z and those from A-Z. Note: We know that this covers only a subset of valid JavaScript identifiers.
(optional) Only relevant if parameter format is jsonp. The name of the JavaScript method or function to call. Must start with a character from a-z or from A-Z or the underscore (_), can include characters a-z, A-Z, the underscore (_) and numbers from 0-9 for the following chars. You are allowed to call methods of objects like my_object.my_method
(optional) the return format in case of an error. Can be either html (the default) or json.
If errorformat is json, we return a JSON-object with a member error, that has a member msg which contains the readable error message.

Output of a valid call

We return a GeoJSON ( FeatureCollection either as plain object or stored in a JavaScript-variable (see parameters above).

The FeatureCollection always contains two features: The first represents an appropriate boundingbox in WGS84 (lon/lat, EPSG:4326). The second feature represents the same bounding box in the given SRID, i.e. the coordinates are projected.


Obtain an appropriate SRID for a given Lon/Lat coordinate pair


(mandatory, fixed, case-insensitive) getsrids
(mandatory) The longitude of the point you search appropriate SRIDs for, e.g. 8
(mandatory) The latitude of the point you search appropriate SRIDs for, e.g. 50
(optional, default 100.0) Filters the result by only including SRIDs whose BoundingBox is smaller than given percentage of the worlds area, e.g. 50.0
(optional) Outputformat of the response. Can be either json (the default) or jsonp. If the format is jsonp, you should include a parameter varname, see below.
(optional) Only relevant if the parameter format is jsonp. The name of the variable we assign the output to. Can only contain the characters from a-z and those from A-Z. Note: We know that this covers only a subset of valid JavaScript identifiers.
(optional) Only relevant if parameter format is jsonp. The name of the JavaScript method or function to call. Must start with a character from a-z or from A-Z or the underscore (_), can include characters a-z, A-Z, the underscore (_) and numbers from 0-9 for the following chars. You are allowed to call methods of objects like my_object.my_method
(optional) the return format in case of an error. Can be either html (the default) or json.
If errorformat is json, we return a JSON-object with a member error, that has a member msg which contains the readable error message.

Output of a valid call

We return a JSON ( object either as plain object or stored in a JavaScript-variable (see parameters above).

The returned object has a member srids which holds an array of EPSG-codes.



The site is used extensively to dynamically build up this tool's database. Thanks go to the creators of for building such a wonderfull resource.

This site is provided by terrestris GmbH & Co. KG, Bonn, Germany. Idea and implementation by Christian Mayer and Marc Jansen.

If you are interested in the source of this tool, you are heavily encouraged to contact us.